DJM Questor Software
Host: Club Cruceros, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Base: DJM Questor Software
Physical Therapy Exercises Release History
Release 2,2,1,0
- Created a new DJM Questor Software Physical Therapy Exercises application Certificate 'Publisher CN=C0D60DD1-DB1C-401F-B5EA-09B27D5803B0'.
- General code clean-up per Microsoft suggestions.
- There are no major changes in this release.
Release 2,2,0,0
- Added diagnostics to identify the cause of a "ClassSpeech.GetInstalledVoices" error.
Release 2,1,7,0
- Added code to disable the screen save and to prevent the display from turning-off while PTE is playing the exercise lessons.
- General code clean-up.
- Diagnostics build.
Release 2,1,6,0
- When a crash occurs, you can select "Send", "Always send", or "Do not send" the diagnostics report.
- General code cleaning.
- Diagnostics build.
Release 2,1,5,0
- Added additional try {...} catch (Exception} {...} around code blocks.
- General code cleaning.
- Diagnostics build.
Release 2,1,4,0
- General code cleaning.
- Diagnostics build.
Release 2,1,3,0
Release 2,1,2,0
- Corrected an error in sending the log-file text with the diagnostics data.
Release 2,1,1,0
- Added Microsoft AppCenter code to help identify the cause of the program startup crash.
- Added "ChkPnts" to the code to isolate the location of a problem that causes the program to crash.
Release 2,1,0,0
This version will optionally update your "Exercises" folder.
- Fixed the single character errors in the files "e99 My complete routine" and "e16 Left leg squat quad muscle strengthening" exercise files.
- Updated the "My exercise routine.sequence" sample.
Added the "Ignore '[SayStart...]'" option to the "Recognizer Settings" form.
If checked, the program does not announce "Say: Start" and wait for your response.
Instead, the program uses your non-speech recognition "Get ready" pause time.
You can still use speech recognition to control the program.
Fixed the speech recognition "Reset" command and renamed the command to "Reset speech recognizer".
The method failed reset a non-responsive recognizer.
- Fixed numerous exercise sequencer errors that randomly prevented exercise sequencing.
Added "Hello?" and "¿Hola?" to the speech recognizer commands.
For a quick speech recognizer response test, say the word.
- Rename exercise "e18 . . ." to "e19 . . ."
- Added a new "e18 . . ." "quads" exercise.
- Updated the "e99 . . ." exercise.
Release 2,0,0,0
Optionally, this version can replace your existing "Exercises" folder¿Hola?
to the speech recognizer commands. Say the word for a quick respose test. and add additional and revised exercise files to your program's existing document folder.
Note: After releasing this version, I found a error in the file "e99 My complete routine.exercise".
To fix the error, search for and replace "[GThe " to "[G] The " .
Also, there is an error in the "e16 Left leg squat quad muscle strengthening.exercise" file.
To fix the error, search for and replace to "PE.E" to "PT.E" .
- Revised the sample exercises to contain bold "Title" and "[G]" group headings.
Renamed the sample exercise to "e99 My complete routine" and
added new individual exercise files with prefixes "e01" to "e18"
Added a speech recognition instruction and test exercise: "Speech Recognition Test".
Added the [SayStart] and [SayStartNow] speech recognition options to exercise groups.
The commands cause the program to pause the exercise while you get ready.
The Spanish versions are [DigaEmpiece] and [DigaEmpieceAhora].
- Added the "Create custom exercises" button to the "Exercise Options" form.
Removed controls and options that applied only to the SpanishTutor5 program
from which this program has been derived.
- Updated the help files.
Release 1,0,0,0
- This is the initialize public release of the Physical Therapy Exercises App.